
Anseriformes | Anatidae | Ducks, geese, swans

Common, widespread duck in marshes, around the edges of pools and floods. Small and dark; often revealed by the drakes’ sharp, whistling calls. Male has dark head, long white stripe along side; female has bright green wing patch.

The smallest and most agile of surface-feeding ducks, the Teal could almost be taken for a wader at times, especially if a small group flies up from a muddy pond, twisting and turning before getting underway at top speed. Teal are lovely ducks, but a close view is needed to appreciate their dark, varied colours fully; even then, a little bright sunlight is best for all the highlights to show well. It is worth trying to get close, but unless they are watched from a hide Teal tend to be suspicious, easily alarmed, and difficult to approach.

Common winter visitor.